
How Can i Get my Lawnmower to Start in Denver, CO


1. Check the spark plug: Make sure that it is in good condition and properly connected to the spark plug wire.

2. Check the air filter: If it’s dirty, replace or clean it as needed.

3. Add fresh fuel: Use a fuel stabilizer to keep your lawnmower running optimally for longer periods of time between refueling sessions.

4. Prime the engine: Pull out the primer bulb several times until you can see gas coming out of it before trying to start your mower again.

5. Adjust choke setting if necessary: Your owner’s manual should explain what type of choke setting is best for your model and weather conditions when starting up a cold engine, so make sure you read this carefully before adjusting anything on your mower!

6. Try starting again: Now try cranking up the engine by pulling on its starter cord or pushing down its electric ignition button (depending on what kind of lawnmower you have).

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